
Bhopal Playboy Club

Bandhan Friendship Club Bandhan Friendship Club read for you.. if you are a good looking and a serious guy then you are well come in our agency, to start your work as Male Escorts fist of all you have to send your profile means you have to send us our name, age, height,  weight , city state, eye  color , heir  color , date of birth, if any experience of this  service , and contact number along with a latest  photograph . After then you have to register your self in our club and for registration you have to pay our fees for Normal Membership Rs.2500/-, and Hi-Profile Membership Rs.6000/- (there are  Installment  facility available 1 st   time @ Rs.3000/- and after meeting when you earn money then you pay us @ RS.3000/-) After transfer this  registration  fees please send us bank receiving or paytm payment or Online money transfer receiving or  screen  shot through whats app or email then we are send you your Id card and service details with in one hour.

Indore Playboy Club

Bandhan Friendship Club Bandhan Friendship Club read for you.. if you are a good looking and a serious guy then you are well come in our agency, to start your work as Male Escorts fist of all you have to send your profile means you have to send us our name, age, height,  weight , city state, eye  color , heir  color , date of birth, if any experience of this  service , and contact number along with a latest  photograph . After then you have to register your self in our club and for registration you have to pay our fees for Normal Membership Rs.2500/-, and Hi-Profile Membership Rs.6000/- (there are  Installment  facility available 1 st   time @ Rs.3000/- and after meeting when you earn money then you pay us @ RS.3000/-) After transfer this  registration  fees please send us bank receiving or paytm payment or Online money transfer receiving or  screen  shot through whats app or email then we are send you your Id card and service details with in one hour.